
FAHFAHSTUDIO Forums ปัญหา ถาม – ตอบ How a calorie-deficit menstrual cycle can affect your overall health

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  • #67003
    Maradona Jons

    1. Hormonal changes

    Several hormones are responsible for the smooth running of your menstrual cycle. Energy is required for adequate production and release of these hormones. Studies show that a calorie-deficit diet causes hormone imbalances like estrogen and progesterone imbalance, which can impact the menstrual cycle. calorie deficit menstrual cycle

    2. Missed Menses

    Calorie deficit for women for long periods poses a greater risk of having amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstrual periods for several months or more. Amenorrhea occurs if your body fat drops so low that ovulation stops. This can negatively impact reproductive health if not taken care of.

    3. Reduced Reproductive Function

    Studies show that women with calorie-restricted diets had increased incidences of menstrual disturbances like anovulation (lack of ovulation). This can contribute to the uterine lining building up and bleeding heavily in an unpredictable pattern. The exact cause is unknown, but researchers believe it is due to unbalanced hormone levels in the body.

    4. Other Health-related Problems

    Depriving your body of energy affects your menstrual health and other bodily processes. Oestrogens and oestrogen receptors regulate various aspects of glucose and lipid metabolism. Low estrogen can lead to menstrual irregularities in females, a low sex drive, reduced bone density etc.

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